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Lymphedema Treatment

In-Home Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)/ Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) in Los Angeles, Ca.


Lymphedema is protein rich swelling due to a mechanical insufficiency of the lymphatic system.  While primary lymphedema is due to congenital malformation of the lymphatic vessels, secondary lymphedema is commonly caused by radiation and/or lymph node removal.  In the United States, breast cancer treatment is the leading cause of secondary lymphedema of the arm.  Swelling of the arm results from the removal of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer treatments.  Other causes of lymphedema can be filariasis infection, radiation treatment for cancer, or physical traumatic injury with over 3mm thickness of scar tissue.  Unlike lipedema, lymphedema is usually unilateral with swelling of just the affected limb.  The gold standard for lymphedema treatment is complete decongestive therapy (CDT) which involves these 4 components: 1) manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), 2) bandaging of the swollen limb, 3) skin care to prevent infection, and 4) therapeutic exercises to promote circulation.  At Harmony Lymphatics, we offer in-home complete decongestive therapy (CDT) by a certified lymphedema therapist (CLT).  We will travel to you and provide a gold standard lymphedema treatment at the comfort of your home.

Lymphedema bypass surgery

Lymphedema Surgery: The Recovery

What is lymphatic surgery for lymphedema?


A lymphovenous bypass procedure creates a new drainage pathway for lymphatic fluid to flow.   In this procedure, the surgeon connects lymphatic vessel(s) to a vein to allow lymph fluid to drain from a malfunctioning aspect of the body to a functional part of the body.  This is a highly specialize surgical procedure performed by a micosurgeon or super microsurgeon. 


For the post surgical recovery, a certified lymphedema therapist (CLT) bandages the lymphedematous limb to assist in complete decongestion.  The surgeon might require daily bandaging for up to two weeks post-op.  Afterwards, the patient will be fitted into medical grade compression garment.  With Harmony Lymphatics, we assist in the recovery process by providing in-home complete decongestive therapy.  Our licensed health care professional will provide bandaging, along with measurements for compression garment fitting.

Business Hours:

Tuesdays- Saturdays: 8am- 5pm

Sunday: Closed

Monday: Virtual Consults


Phone: 818- 378- 4791


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